Window at Maple Grove
Window at the Center at Maple Grove, Kew Gardens, Queens New York, 15’ x 17’, fused stained glass with metal oxide underpainting, 2006-2007
In 2004, I was contacted by Linda Mayo Perez, president of Maple Grove Cemetery in Kew gardens, Queens, New York City. She was hired to come up with a new vision of what a cemetery could be. With their board, they decided to build a center that would be used by the community for all types of events, as well as a place for resting the ashes of the deceased in the most beautiful columbarium. I was asked to design and build a large stained glass window that would span both floors as the centerpiece for the building. Considering the use of the building, I built a window that represents the two worlds: the one we live in, and the spirit world. I attempted to blur the boundaries between elements and have everything below reflected above.
I built an addition to my studio with the exact window configuration of the Maple Grove grid, allowing me to build out the glass like a painting.
Linda Mayo Perez 2024
Maple Grove has the gravestones laying flat in the ground in the area near the center. This makes for a feeling of being in the country, even though the cemetery is in the middle of a major city.
Stainless steel sculptural stand for a touchscreen that people will use to find out where their loved ones are buried and learn the history of this historic cemetery. Forged and welded stainless steel, 42” tall, 2024