Zeitz started making lighting fixtures for his home in 1988, and it wasn’t long before orders were coming in for chandeliers, torchieres, and wall sconces. There have been many variations of these lamps for homes across the country. Doing lighting is very specific and requires great attention to detail.
Six Sided Lamp, welded, carved, and brazed steel, fused and slumped stained glass, 32"x 52" X 26". Click image for details
Pagan Lamp, 1993, welded and brazed steel, fused and slumped stained glass, 72” diameter - Click for more details
Torchiere - Click for more details
Wall Sconce - Click for more details
Five Sided Chandelier, 26" diameter, welded, machined, and brazed steel, 1988, first electric chandelier by Zeitz innovating the use of a gas line brazed onto each arm to feed electric wire